News & Views

Community Roofing Meeting – Monday, Sept 9 Canceled

The Board has canceled the previously scheduled Zoom meeting for this evening as they are continuing to gather information.

Community Roofing Meeting – Monday, August 26 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

This fall, the CTHOA will hold its first informational meeting about the updated proposal to begin re-roofing the Canterbury units in 2025. The purpose of this meeting is to provide the CTHOA owners with the updated roofing project numbers we’ve received, share our current proposed options for funding the project, and hear any questions and/or ideas for alternative options that the CTHOA owners may have. 

A Zoom link has been sent to all CTHOA owners by email.

We are also scheduling an additional community meeting on Monday, September 9, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. This meeting will provide the HOA Owners with a further opportunity to ask questions and propose alternative options well ahead of the October 4 voting deadline.

In September, all owners will receive a package with information and a ballot for voting on the process and funding of the roofs. Votes must be received by Friday, October 4, 2024. 

Canterbury Communications Summer 2024 Newsletter

The Canterbury Townhomes Homeowners Association community newsletter, Canterbury Newsletter Summer 2024 is now available. The  newsletter contains a report from the Long-Term Planning Committee concerning the need for roof replacements, some good news about the individual water meters, a history of the Canterbury Reserves and how they have been used in the past, and important dates to add to your calendar.

Gutter Cleaning Scheduled for Monday, July 8, 2024

It’s time for the quarterly gutter cleaning and roof inspection at Canterbury starting Monday morning, July 8 at 9:30am.

Recycling Bags and Information Delivered to Doorknobs

We are distributing reusable recycling bags and information provided by Orange County to doorknobs at Canterbury. If you do not want your bag, please leave them on the recycling bins so that someone else can use them.

Memorial Day Community Picnic

Saturday, May 25 from 4 to 6pm

Join us for games, music, food and conversation! Bring your own chairs or blankets for seating and a dish to share (potluck style).

We will gather between Friar Lane and Chaucer Court. Bring your outdoor games or activities to share. This is a community event so the more, the merrier!

Meet with the Long-Term Planning Committee 

Please join Maura Murphy and Alexandra M Z Figueroa, members of the Long Term Planning Committee, for a drop-in session via Zoom. We would like you to share your ideas and concerns about the roofing project. The sessions occur at the following times over the next three weeks with one or both committee members.

 Sessions will be held at this zoom link:

Tuesday May 7; 6-8pm

Wednesday May 8; 3-5pm

Tuesday May 14; 4-6pm

Wednesday May 15; 6-8pm

Tuesday May 21; 6-8pm

Wednesday May 22; 3-5pm

If these days are not convenient for you, please contact Maura directly at [email protected] to schedule another time. Thank you and we look forward to speaking with you!


Long-Term Planning Candidates Still Needed

Last fall, we had discussions and a vote on funding long-term ma
intenance needs at Canterbury that were halted. While most people agreed that we needed to replace the roofs right away, we did not have any consensus on how to get the funding for this need or other future needs for paving, painting, etc.
Any option for moving forward will require a 2/3 majority vote of the community, which is a high bar to cross. We need our best and brightest community members to be a part of the solution. Could that be you?

We would really like to have several other people join the committee. Our goal is to bring some options to the community this fall to vote on so that roofs can begin to be replaced in 2025. 

 If you have good problem-solving skills, are interested in infrastructure, have a background in finance, enjoy talking to people, or are just someone ready to roll up their sleeves and get involved, please contact [email protected], and/or
Please complete this application. If you would like to know more, we can have the new committee leader contact you directly.


UPDATE: Water Line Repair Requires Water Cut-off

Scheduled: Wednesday, February 21, 2024 after 9 am

Due to a water main break on Chaucer Court, the water must be cut off to all of Chaucer Court and Friar Lane next Wednesday, February 21st, after 9 am.

We aim to get it back on as soon as possible once the leak is isolated.

Once the water is turned on, it is suggested to first turn on your tub faucet for about one minute to flush the water lines and clear any air out of the lines before using other faucets. Mix temperature to clear hot water as well. Some “spitting” is expected. We know this causes inconveniences, but they cannot be avoided.

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding. This is beyond our control, and we are working as efficiently as possible with plumbers and contractors to address the situation as quickly as possible. Thank you, CTHOA

Joining the Long-Term Planning Committee

There is still room on the Long-Term Planning Committee if you are interested in being a part of crafting solutions for funding some large projects like roofing, paving, and more. Click here to complete an application for a spot on the committee.  Candidate Form 2023

Stopping the Current Vote on the Proposed Funding Plan 

In the discussion about the recently proposed plan that included a Special Assessment, it was pointed out that there is some ambiguity in the Canterbury Covenants regarding whether a Special Assessment can be used for Roof and Building Maintenance. 
In light of the ambiguity of the wording in the original documents in this area, and upon the advice of your Association’s legal counsel, we are formally withdrawing the current proposed plan. The collected votes are now considered null and void. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the vote.
We will take this information along with the feedback we have received so far to the Long-Term Planning Committee and formulate a new plan to propose to the community. We welcome owners to be a part of this Advisory Committee to help find solutions for the need to re-roof the community and make other big-ticket repairs in the future. 
Please continue to share your thoughts and ideas at or [email protected], or let us know if you would be willing to be a part of the Long-Term Financial Planning Committee. 

Information Package with Ballot Mailed to Owners

Click here to read the Special Assessment Notice & Package Canterbury 2023

Click here to review and print the Canterbury Ballot

Click here to see the Slideshow Presentation


FAQ Sheet Based on questions submitted by owners

Special Meeting for Owners About Roofing and Other Capital Needs Funding – Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 7 p.m. by Zoom

This will be a time for questions and answers about the special assessment and dues increases needed to address the re-roofing of Canterbury as well as other planned infrastructure repairs in the future. A vote will be needed by ALL owners on this important matter by November 1, 2023. More information is posted here and is regularly updated weekly in the Members Section of the website.

Canterbury Communications Fall 2023 Newsletter

The Canterbury Townhomes Homeowners Association community newsletter, “Canterbury Communications“, Fall 2023 Newsletter, Volume 4, Number 1, is now available. The Fall 2023 newsletter contains valuable information about the re-roofing and other long-term maintenance projects, in addition to contacts, web links, and other news items. Check it out!

Re-Roofing and Other Long-Term Repairs  

A letter went out to the community about the need to begin replacing roofs and preparing for other long-term repair needs. Click here to learn more…  

Canterbury Trash & Recycling

Help us keep Canterbury Townhomes looking good by not storing furniture or trash outside your unit or piling it up around the dumpsters. We get reports from neighbors each week about junk, furniture, mattresses, and other items left around the property, and it is expensive for the community to get it hauled off. If you are not sure how to dispose of something, visit this comprehensive website: Orange County Solid Waste Management.
If you have large items, such as mattresses, furniture, etc., the Town of Carrboro Public Works Department provides a collection of bulk waste items twice per month. More information can be found here: Town of Carrboro Public Works Bulk Waste.
The Town of Carrboro’s Solid Waste Division also has useful information and resources regarding trash, recycling, composting, etc.
It is up to all of us to help keep Canterbury clean and safe and to keep our community affordable by helping to keep costs down.

Canterbury 2023 Vehicle Registration

Please complete this form to receive your authorized 2023 residential parking sticker for Canterbury.  Canterbury has a limited number of parking spaces available per unit. There will not be assigned parking spaces. Cars that are not registered after the end of January can be towed. If you get a new car, be sure to re-register that car because the descriptions must match the registration information. Additionally, it should be stated that the Association is not entering into a strict enforcement program such as disputes between neighbors – only attempting to manage available spaces to be available to current residents and eliminate unauthorized parking. Parking continues to be on a first-come, first-served basis without assigning specific parking spaces. Cooperation between neighbors continues to be encouraged.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6 pm: Canterbury HOA Annual Meeting by Zoom

Thank you to those who attended the Canterbury Annual Meeting for the Homeowners Association that was held on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6:00 pm by Zoom.  The meeting minutes can be accessed here. The main topic of the meeting was the review of the water meter installation and how this is beginning to improve the financial picture for Canterbury HOA funds. Within the first two months, owners identified and repaired leaks that had been costing the Association thousands of dollars per month. We have literally cut water usage and water bills down by half just from repairs. In addition, EBS is now reimbursing funds back into the HOA, which will help to replenish the much-reduced reserve accounts over time. While this is welcome news for the long-term financial health of the community, in the short term, we are still facing inflation affecting all aspects of labor and materials. In order to not go backward, we will need to increase the dues by 5% for 2023, starting in January, to $200 per month. In the meantime, we have established a long-term financial planning committee to help study ways to finance the re-roofing project that we hope to begin in 2024. If you have experience in this area and would be interested in being on this committee, please contact [email protected]. Once again, we appreciate your participation in the Canterbury community.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6 pm: Canterbury HOA Annual Meeting by Zoom

Please save the date for the upcoming annual HOA meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6 pm. This meeting will be held via Zoom.  The agenda and voting proxy form are available now. A Zoom link will be sent closer to the meeting. 
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors,  please fill out a candidate application form and return it to our office at [email protected] .

August 16, 2022: Morgan Creek Greenway – Phase 1

Phase 1 of the Morgan Creek Greenway is going to run directly behind Canterbury Townhomes with a potential connection at the end of Abby Lane. A Neighborhood Site Visit will be held on Saturday, August 27 at 3 pm. For more information, click on this link or contact Tina Moon at 919-918-7325 or [email protected]. This is the first phase of a 1.7-mile bicycle and pedestrian path that will ultimately connect Smith Level Road to University Lake with a potential spur to Carrboro High School.

June 28, 2022:

The water meters have all been installed and inspected, with the exception of 18 units. The Town of Carrboro has scheduled a make-up day for missed inspections on Tuesday, July 5th, 9 am – 4 pm. Look for further announcements by email or here on the website.
The first billing period will begin on July 1. Owners will receive their first invoice in mid-August, and payment will incur late fees after September 10. Energy Billing Service (EBS) is setting the individual accounts now and will soon have them ready for access. Each owner will establish a username and password for their address. They can share this information with a tenant if they wish to make direct payments. However, the owner is ultimately responsible to see that the bill is paid each month.
The Canterbury HOA continues to pay OWASA directly for all water usage, but this cost is offset by the funds that are sent to the HOA each month from EBS. The individual accounts will allow you and us to see where there is unusually high water usage, for example, from a running toilet or a leaking pipe. It will also ensure that a single individual is not paying the same for water that a unit with multiple people is paying.
We will continue to share information as we receive it about the inspections and the billing. Meanwhile, Dave Winter from TRAC Management is working through the list of units that have been inspected to return the keys. This will be done as quickly as possible.

June 21, 2022:

We have completed installing the water meters throughout the community. The inspection process is currently underway and set to resume Wednesday, June 22nd (9 am – 5 pm) with a focus on Friar Ln. The inspector must gain access briefly to each unit in order to inspect the plumber’s work and sign off on the installation.  Tentative Schedule for final inspections following the installation of water meters –

  • Friar Ln. Installation Completed Inspections Scheduled for Wed 6/22 (9 am – 5 pm) 
  • Chaucer Ct. – Installation Completed / Inspection Schedule Pending
  • Coleridge Ct. – Installation and Inspection Completed
  • Marlowe Ct. – Installation and Inspection Completed 

June 13, 2022:

The Water Meter Project is moving smoothly and ahead of schedule. About 40 units were completed today. Thank you for working with us to get this completed as soon as possible.
The team of plumbers will be starting on Friar Lane at 9 am Tuesday, June 14. The water will not be turned off at Friar Lane.
The water will be turned off at 9:30 am on Coleridge and Marlowe Court on June 14. It will be turned back on as soon as possible.
The inspectors are moving slowly behind this work, and the project will not be completed until the inspections are done.
June 9, 2022:
The water metering installation project is now scheduled to begin the morning of Monday, June 13th, at approximately 9 am. The team will begin at 9 am on June 13th at 101 Coleridge Ct. The work will be completed building by building. We will require access to each unit for approximately 1.5hrs to complete installation. This work requires access to the ground floor closet located by the front door. Please have all pets secured, and be sure to remove all items from the front closet before our arrival. This work is limited to the front closet and building exterior.   
 We anticipate disruptions in water service for both Coleridge and Marlowe Ct. residents on June 13th and 14th. 
        – Tentative Installation Schedule – 
  • Monday, June 13th – Coleridge Ct. (All units), 100 Marlowe Ct. 
  • Tuesday, June 14th – Marlowe Ct. (All units), 101, 103 Friar Ln. 
  • Wednesday, June 15th – Friar Ln. Units 105 to 130. 
  • Thursday, June 16th – Units 131 Friar Ln. to 117 Chaucer Ct. 
  • Friday, June 17th – Units 118 Chaucer Ct. to 131 Chaucer Ct. 
Pets, Scheduling requests, and other concerns 
– Residents with pets (Attn: Dog owners) are responsible for securing them for the installation to ensure the safety of our team. We can not be responsible for securing pets during this process. This work will be conducted building by building. At this time, we can not schedule specific times for individual units. We will do our best to provide proper notice where applicable. Please contact our office with any questions or concerns. While our options are limited, we will do our best to accommodate those with special needs. Please contact (Dave@tracmanagement.comwith questions or concerns. 
June 7, 2022:
Installation should begin the week of June 13, 2022
We do not have the schedule for installation confirmed at this time. We hope to have a tentative schedule to share in the next few days. Look for further updates. 

March 23, 2022:

Installing Individual Water Meters at Canterbury This Spring

To learn more about how and why this is being done starting May 2, 2022, please click here…

March 22, 2022:

Canterbury Communications

The spring edition of the 2022 Canterbury Newsletter has been emailed and distributed on doors to the owners and residents of Canterbury. Please see the latest updates about happenings in the community.

March 8, 2022:

Coming Soon! Individual Water Meters

The installation of the individual water meters is scheduled to begin at the end of April or the beginning of May. More information about how this process will work and the exact dates of the installation will be coming soon. Canterbury Reserve Study February 22, 2022: Full Reserve Study for Canterbury To understand the need for raising dues and installing the individual water meters, please read the reserve study linked here about the long-term maintenance and repair needs for the community and the funds projected to take care of these needs. Water Conservation

August 25, 2021:

Information regarding the installation of individual water meters